Seleccionada por la galeria de arte Front Art Space en Tribeca – Manhattan – NYC, para participar en una publicación digital y en papel.
Dear OPEN15 Participant,
We apologize for the delayed on sending out this notification and on publishing the selection results as the selection process extended a bit more than anticipated. The quality of the work, the concepts, and the creative and imaginative approach to art making made for an intensive selection process.
We had an amazing response for OPEN15 with close to 1,000 image entries received from 248 participating artists in 27 states and in 21 countries; Argentina, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, France,Germany, Great Britain, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, México, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Korea, Spain, and United States.
On May 17, the FRONT Selection Panel composed of four fine arts professionals including our Guest Juror Lothar Osterburg, reviewed and juried OPEN15, an international call for artists open to all media. The blind-jury process involved several review cycles of all entries to select 36 finalists. All 36 finalists will be included in the OPEN15 Publication to be issued by the end of 2015. From the 36 finalists, the Juror selected a triad of artists for the OPEN15 Exhibition at FRONT art space in NYC from June 11 to July 2, 2015. And from the triad of artists, the Juror selected one participant to be FRONT’s guest artist at the NYC Affordable Art Fair in Spring 2016.
Please visit FRONT art space website, and click on the tab OPEN15 to see the list of 36 FRONT finalists, the Jurors’ Triad, and the Juror’s Selection.
The FRONT art space team wants to thank you all for your participation in OPEN15.
Dionisio Cortes,
Chief Curator